Tu proveedor energético integral
666 779 900 (Atención al cliente) 900 102 073 (Exclusivo electricidad y gas natural) Contacto Facebook Twitter

Ahorra hasta un 30% en tu factura de la luz

Ahorra hasta un 30%

Tenemos precios muy competitivos, ajustados a las necesidades de nuestros clientes según su forma de consumo, ya sea en Tarifa Fija, Tarifa Plana, Tarifa Indexada o Tarifa Techo.

Ahorra con Enerplus
Gasóleo para calefacción


Te ofrecemos una gestión integral de tu energía: un único proveedor que proporciona electricidad, gas, biomasa y gasóleo. Remitimos tu factura al menos una semana antes del cobro, para que tengas ocasión de comprobar que todo está en orden. Siempre podrás ver el coste de tu electricidad y aplicar criterios de eficiencia. Más


Nuestra factura es sencilla y refleja cada concepto sin posibilidad de confusión. Las condiciones pactadas aparecen recogidas e identificadas claramente en el contrato de suministro, quedando garantizadas por tiempo indefinido. No tendrás imprevistos. Más

Grandes consumidores

Con nuestra ventanilla única, tendrás un interlocutor personal para todas las cuestiones relativas a tu electricidad: Averías, cambios de titularidad, cambios de potencia... Además, como comercializadora independiente le ofrecemos la mejor defensa de tus intereses ante cualquier incidencia con la distribuidora. Más

Eficiencia energética

¿Quiéres saber lo que podemos hacer para mejorar tu eficiencia energética?

Más información
Agente Enerplus ¿Quiéres convertirte en distribuidor de Enerplus Energía?

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Área de clientes

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Área de colaboradores

Entra en el área privada para colaboradores de Enerplus Energía.


Save up to 30% on your energy bill

Save up to 30%

We have very competitive prices, adjusted to the needs depending on their consumption levels, we have fixed rates, flat rates, indexed rates or ceiling rates.

Save with Enerplus

Gasóleo para calefacción


We offer you a comprehensive management of your energy: a single supplier that provides electricity, gas, biomass and diesel. We will send your invoices at least one week before the payment is due, so that you have the chance to check that everything is correct. You can always see the cost of your electricity and apply an efficiency criterias.. More



Our invoices are simple and reflect each concept without any possibility of confusion. The agreed conditions are detailed and clearly identified in the supply contract, being guaranteed indefinitely. You will not have any unforeseen issues. More


Large consumers

With our one-stop shop, you will have a personal consultant for any issues related to your electricity: Breakdowns, changes of name/ownerships, power changes. In addition, as an independent marketer we offer you the best defense against any incident with the distributor. More…

Energy efficiencyWant to know what we can do to improve your energy efficiency?

For more information, see

Agente EnerplusDo you want to become an Enerplus Energia distributor?

Contact with us

Área de clientesEnter the private area for Enerplus Energía customers.

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Collaborators' areaEnter the private area for Enerplus Energía collaborators.

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Enerplus Energía

Enerplus Energía is the Electricity and Natural Gas division of the Enerplus Group.

Enerplus Energía was created in response to a need widely expressed by Spanish society: to have an electricity company that allows you to access competitive prices, with different tariffs adaptable to different needs and quality customer service to listen to you, advise you and defend your rights.

Based on Enerplus’ experience and based on values such as Efficiency, Security, Transparency, Savings and Service, we are ready to meet the energy needs of homes, small and medium-sized businesses and industry.

Enerplus Energía free customer service telephone number: 957 501234

Our human team

Enerplus’ most valuable asset is, without a doubt, its human team. We have experts in the electricity markets (OMIE, OMEL, Bilaterals…) ready to obtain the best conditions for the purchase of your energy.

The Distributor Relations Department has professionals who represent the rights of our customers and ensure that the electricity we supply meets the quality conditions established by law (L. 24/2013, Chap. II – R.D. 1995/2000, Chap. II).

But the most recognised by Enerplus Energía users are the personal interlocutors in the Customer Service area, who are at their disposal – with name and surname – to resolve each incident. Our customers can turn to the technician who attends to them from the first call and be sure that their needs are taken into account.

Trato cercano


Enerplus Directo
Enerplus Estaciones de Servicio
Enerplus Energía
Enerplus Renovables
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